Pricing Plans

$ 5.99
per user / month
pay month to month

$ 4.99
per user / month
Billed Annually Save 17%

Get started with MyTalkr

Up to 240 minutes of meetings per month

Upload audio and video files from any device

Record a meeting on iphone voice memo , Teams or any other device or platform. Upload to FinTalkr to create a record and auto generate your File Note. Upload historical meeting recordings and create File Notes and records for those. icons

Australian Server Location

Keep your data in Australia. Note Australia has some of the toughest data protection laws in the world with fines up to $50M. icons

Australian Language & Spelling

Financial advice has its own language. FinTalkr is trained on this language and gets better the more it is used. icons

Editable meeting minutes for every meeting

Editable meeting document produced automatically containing attendees, minutes and actions. icons

Export File Notes to pdf

Generate and download a pdf version of your Meeting Notes icons

MS Teams or In-person meetings

Invite the MyTalkr™ scribe to your MS Teams meeting or just hit record if your meeting in person. icons

Up to 30 Days of file retention

MyTalkr will delete your meeting records after 30 days, or you can manually delete them sooner. icons

per user / month
pay month to month

per user / month
Billed Annually Save 25%

More minutes, features and small team collaboration.

Starter plus

Up to 1200 minutes meetings per month/user

Up to 3 months of file retention

MyTalkr will delete your meeting records after 3 months or you can delete them manually sooner. icons

Collaborate in teams of up to 10

Users in the same organisation can share meeting audio, transcripts and notes with multiple users working on the same meeting document. Permissions are set at a user level. ie each user can see none or many other users data. icons

Use MyTalkr AI to Q&A meeting

Ask a question to MyTalkr AI and add to your meeting minutes. E.g. give me lots of detail about 'Task A' and the challenges faced by that team member' icons

AI Sentiment analysis of meetings

MyTalkr AI will give you sentement score across the entire meeting icons

Add additional minutes per month

If you need more MyTalkr minutes you can add 600 or 1200 minute packs to your subscription. icons

per user / month
pay month to month

per user / month
Billed Annually Save 20%

More hours and MYTalkr advanced features

Pro plus


Up to 2400 minutes of meetings per month

Export File Notes to word

Generate and download word version of your File Note icons

Download audio

Download your audio files if you want to store them external to FinTalkr icons

Collaborate in teams of up to 25

Users in the same organisation can share meeting audio, transcripts and notes with multiple users working on the same meeting document. Permissions are set at a user level. ie each user can see none or many other users data. icons

Call MyTalkr

For Enterprises with larger teams, including Management and Compliance

2 Week Free Trial

Try FinTalkr for free for 2 weeks. Cancel any time in your trial period with no charge. icons

All benefits included in Starter & Professional package


Project team implementation support

AI driven enterprise compliance and training dashboard and alerts

View your adviser performance across a number of regulator requirements. View dashboards that indicate where to apply your precious compliance and training budgets. icons

Enterprise dashboards

FinTalkr has several key indicator dashboards. Leverage those or commission your own with the FinTalkr team. E.g. how long are client meetings across your enterprise. icons

FinTalkr integration with your enterprise

MyTalkr can integrate to your single sign-on, CRM and other platforms to automate data transfer and reduce double entry. icons

Unlimited media storage

Store unlimited media data files. icons

Custom File Note to suit your enterprise (optional)

Customise the File Note to your standard. icons

Custom AI to suit your enterprise (optional)

FinTalkr can support enterprise specific AI. E.g. You have an enterprise specific client risk scale or particular disclaimers that need to be quoted to the client. icons