Simple ways to get started with AI in financial advice


AI sounds quite scary, but it doesn’t need to be. You don’t need a large implementation project, and it doesn’t have to be a significant change management exercise. Our advice is to go slowly and carefully… take baby steps.


Your first step might be to simplify and automate one aspect of the end-to-end process. If you choose a key pain point, there can be material benefits, such as reduced operating costs, increased productivity, and more time with your clients.


FinTalkr for example, automates the file noting process. It can do a whole lot more, but you could start by simply cutting out all that time carefully crafting manual file notes of client meetings. And you don’t need to change other aspects of your existing process.


Getting started with FinTalkr is quite painless. You can be up and running with minimal effort and negligible upfront investment. Input your details, receive login details, set up two-factor authentication, and you’re in via your browser. There’s a 7-day free trial, and it’s a monthly pay-as-you-go service.


If you’ve got a client meeting coming up, enter as little as three client attributes to get started. Record your client conversation via FinTalkr, or simply record in your usual way and drag and drop the file to FinTalkr. Save the resulting file note in your CRM tool, and copy the actions within the file note into your workflow tool or calendar. Automated integration with your CRM and workflow tools can come later, and the FinTalkr team is more than happy to do this for you. Simple.


If you’d like to discuss your specific implementation plans and concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the team on